Last week we held a fund raiser
to raise money for the trip to the Badminton CCI4* in England. I was blown away
by the outpouring of support for Cavaldi and me to "cross the pond" and would
like to express my appreciation to everyone who came to the party and
contributed to our efforts.
As I said in my speech at the
party, I am still taken aback by the support and generosity of this community. I
am left speechless at times and filled with great joy, knowing how we all can
pull together and make something happen for one another. It is truly
The fund raiser evening was very
special to me and I hope everyone had as much fun as I had hoped! I left that
evening feeling much love and support and hope for growing relationships with
many people.
Secondly, I am writing to you all
because something happened over this past weekend, the day that Joey, (Cavaldi),
was meant to fly to England. We had done our last gallop the day before and he
was iced and wrapped in our usual manner, but Sunday morning there was swelling
in a front leg. We already had an appointment with Dr. Staller bright and early
to do our final check before leaving and to run IV fluids to keep Joey hydrated
for his trip.
Unfortunately, the swelling is a
strain to his suspensory ligament that became painful overnight. In the long
run, Joey should recover just fine, but right now, there is nothing anyone could
do to quickly turn this around and make him better in such a short time. It is
in Joey's best interest to rest his leg right now for a short period and come up
with Plan B!
This breaks my heart, as you can
imagine, not only for Joey, and our quest to fulfill this dream, but because of
the support of everyone behind me. I'm so very sorry on the timing of this, I
know we all are. But, there will be another day, another event - and Joey, most
importantly, will be okay!
As far as the generous donations
that have been made towards Joey and I, we are happy to return all donations,
and we thank you all so very much! As a team here at KSEventing we hope that
there are many more trips and opportunities to celebrate with all of you in the
future! Our plan for the donations is to put them into a savings account towards
the next big endeavor overseas to represent the USA!
Warmest Regards,
Kristin Schmolze